CEREC system
Imported from Germany, the medically advanced country, this CAD/CAM system designs and produces dental repairing material by the computer control. The affected area is scanned with latest 3D optical camera and tooth row of affected area is replicated on the monitor.

Cosmetic dentistry
Comprehensive dental treatment focuses on beautiful tooth color, as well as shape and function of tooth.PMTC stands for “Professional Mechanical Tooth Cleaning”. PMTC allows for prevention of caries, prevention and amelioration of periodontal disease, strengthening of tooth structure, and removing of color stain to keep teeth glossy and clean.

Root treatment
Removes decayed tooth substance and nerves to treat and prevent tooth root disorder. Root treatment requires highest skill among dental treatments. We focus on root treatment to keep patient’s good teeth using stat-of-art equipment and sophisticated skills.

When we perform dental implant treatment, we give top priority to “minimizing patient’s burden” and “making implants stably usable for all time”. Dental implant treatment is different with each hospital. It is very difficult to declare certain treatment to be the best because every doctor has a different understanding on treatment, but at least we give top priority to “minimizing patient’s burden” and “making implants stably usable for all time” when we perform dental implant treatment, as we stated before.

Maintenance dentistry (Preventive dentistry)
Specialized for preventive dentistry, oral care, and maintenance. HONCHO3.9.4 Bld. 4F, 3-9-4, Nihombashihoncho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023 Phone: 03-3664-4618 * Reserved basis Call before visiting us.

Periodontal disease
Although many treatments have been studied, curing periodical disease completely is almost impossible. Even if periodontal bacteria is temporarily removed the patient may be infected again from family member or so, because everyone has periodontal bacteria in the mouth. The gums once peeled from tooth can be tightened to some extent but cannot be restored completely. Therefore, periodontal bacteria easily attach to space formerly formed between gums and tooth.

Choose from home whitening / office whitening depending on tooth condition. You can use both courses at the same time. [Home whitening]:Teeth can be whitened at home easily. Pour whitening gel into a mouthpiece customized with patient’s teeth. [Office whitening]:Teeth are whitened in a short time by applying medicine with strong bleaching effect to tooth and shedding special laser light.

Orthodontic treatment
Adjust position of teeth and jaw to correct bite and straighten teeth.In our office, certified physician and medical advisor of the Japanese Orthodontic Society and the Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint provide treatments partnering university hospital and foundation hospital.

“I can’t enjoy eating as my denture doesn’t work well…”“I can’t have a big laugh not to show metallic part of my denture”“It’s painful when I have food stuck between my false teeth!”If you have a problem like above, we recommend our precise denture treatment.We offer denture treatment with emphasis on looking and comfort.